Monday, April 27, 2015


Imagine found on pinterest posted by one of the SAPR poc's. Not taking credit for it! Lol

On friday at lunch time there were dodgeball games going on at the tennis courts. Dave is the SAPR victims advocate for our Command so he coordinated this event. It was really fun to go out and watch everyone play. There was a group from finance there so I got to support my people a little bit. 
Dave got to join a team that needed an extra player, he was excited! This boy loves anything active. 

And speaking of active, I have decided I want to TRY <--- keyword to train my body to run. I have got my mile down to 14 minutes from 16 which is a walk/run combo. Work in progress over here but I really would like to drop10lbs then tone up so I am hoping adding in some running will help some. 
Feeling the endorphins after an awesome leg day! I am still working out mainly at work with random trips to the AFB and apt gym! 
I have started to bring healthier snacks to work too (hummus with carrots/strawberries/cucumbers with ranch etc) I also finally tried the flavored tuna pouches and they are pretty good. I eat them plain right out the pouch which is better than a tuna sandwich with mayo, mustard and pickles! Slow and steady wins the race ;)

Trying to not post too much about all this as I know some people get bored reading it but there will be random updates for my reading purposes. 

Happy Monday everyone! Not sure about you guys but I am TIRED! Early to bed for this girl tonight!! 

<3 Sara

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