Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rain rain go away

Saturday was super rainy again! I am so over the rain around here, it is really messing up outside summer fun. 

Anyway, saturday afternoon Dave, his kiddos, Shannon, my nieces, one of their little friends, Dana, Blake and myself all met up at the aquarium to see what shark week was all about. The place was super crowded I assume that happened because of the bad weather. 

We had such a good time just looking around. 

Fish face! Haha

They had a show almost like a game show. It was really entertaining and we learned that most of the divers are volunteers which is so neat. They clean the tanks and feed the animals as well as be apart of the learning experience for all of us with the show. 

I got in a decent workout after the fun so yesterday was quite an active day according to my fitbit :) and speaking of my fitbit I got a new color band (turqoise) and I love it!! 

<3 Sara

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