Monday, February 6, 2017

Oliver is 2

 Our Oliver is 2, I don't even know how that happened. He was just born right? I am a broken record with this but seriously they grow up SO stinkin fast. I was sick for 4 days before his birthday and I was starting to get scared I wouldn't get to go to his birthday but a zpack and mucinex helped and I was able to go.
I got the kids Sunday around 11 and brought them back to our house for lunch and to hang out for a few then headed to James Island.
Dave went on a field trip to the aquarium Friday and I just loved this picture so I had to include it.
Our neighbor saw Logan outside playing with a nerf gun and walked over with 2 of these and just gave them to him. How nice is that?

We got down to James Island and stayed until around 6:30 celebrating our Oliver!
  He had a Star Wars themed party with inflatable light sabers and all!

Handsome birthday boy having so much fun!

We had SUCH a good time and I was so happy the kids were able to come with us. Family and friends make my heart happy!
Happy 2nd Birthday nephew, I love you so much and so thankful God put you in our lives!

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