Friday, June 5, 2009

So excited

So in about an hour im leaving work. This will be my first time off since March for the Britney Concert in ATL. So I figure 2 hours is NOTHING. :) Plus I have plenty of leave! Anyways im heading up to Columbia to see Heather and Jason. Kainen won't be there he is visiting with his grandparents in Ohio. SO we are going to Concord Mills which is supposedly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I looked it up online it has a TON of stores and its only like an hour from their house. So that will be our Saturday. Im hoping to put some swimming in our weekend at some point. They have a pool so im DEF wanting to use that. I LOVE swimming although im not SWIMMING im floating haha. Sunday ill be heading back home im SO excited to go visit though. This summer I decided im not going to just sit idle at home or in charleston. Im going to explore and have a great summer. So I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I know I will!

<3 Sara

1 comment:

Holly said...

Sounds like fun! I hope you have a good time!