Monday, July 27, 2015

VBS Party

Last week our church, Coastal Community Church had their VBS all week. I had hoped Logan and Alayna could go but they went to New Jersey to see family and go to a wedding. I am hoping they can go next year because I know Jesse, Lola and Isabelle and over 100 other kids truly enjoyed it. I didn't volunteer for the week but I did volunteer to help with the party Friday. I had no clue what they would want me to do but just went with it anyway. Dave and I got there really early to beat the traffic so we were one of the first volunteers there. Ashley and Mike got there shortly after, well actually Mike was already there with Jesse. Anywho, we asked what they needed help with and we were told to set up the food area under the tent. So that we did!
 Have you ever seen so many bags of chips? haha we decided sorting them by flavor was the best way otherwise it would have been a mess. We all sorted and got it done super quick! We got all the drinks, plates, etc set up and then just hung out until everyone arrived.
Ashley and Mike had Jay and he was being super cute!
 The theme was Everest, how fun is the stage!
 Jesse boy going down one of the slides!  It looked like fun but I doubt they would have wanted the adults to play. Plus I still was recovering from my procedure (no energy) so probably not smart anyway! Maybe next year ;)
 In addition to the jump castles/slides they had a petting zoo. There were goats, donkey, mini horse, mule, tortoise (NOT a turtle according to Jesse woops), bunnies and a sheep. I think I named them all, maybe! It was fun to get to see the animals and pet them, the sheep literally felt like a rug!

 I walked around with Ashley, Jesse and Jay for a little bit since there was nothing else they needed us to do at that time. The boys were driving golf carts to pick up/drop off the people that parked across the street.

 OH and they had the Kona Ice Truck, Snowcone anyone?
 They put on a 30 minute show for the parents, they sang songs, Pastor Chris talked a little bit, prayed, took up the offering and the best part was Joy putting a pie in her husbands face (part of the skit) SO funny! I walked out for a minute to wash my sticky hands from my ice and they were putting the animals up. Well one of the chickens got loose and they were literally chasing him around the front of the church, it was REALLY funny at least to me! I felt bad for them but it really was funny at the same time!
Once it was over it looked like a huge storm was about to go down so I went to put up all the food and all of a sudden I look up and see a ton of kids wanting hot dogs haha so hotdogs they received. Little did I know there were gloves right next to me, woops, I had kinda just washed my hands so it's all good! We finished cleaning up after feeding more hungry kiddos then headed home. It drizzled but never stormed as bad as the clouds looked.  
How pretty is this sunset with the rain on the windshield? You guys know I love a pretty sunset!
I am so glad I pushed through my no energy and went to the VBS party, I really loved getting to serve my church alongside Dave, Mike and Ashley! We were a pretty good team if I do say so myself!

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