Back at the beginning of December the ladies in the fam went to Myrtle Beach for Night of a thousand candles and shopping. Kimberly and I are the only ones in my pics since we didn't eat there and everyone else did. Last year I ate there and lets just say never again. So they ate and we explored the gardens. It was quite cold but beautiful there. We found a little house in the middle of the place with hot chocolate, cider, beer and wine among yummy treats. I got hot chocolate and she had a glass of white wine. We must have been slow because we were done for 10 mins before everyone else was done. It must have been all the time we spent taking silly pictures.

We all headed to the beach house we stayed at for the evening. It was nice to sit around drink wine and chat with everyone.
Saturday morning we woke up and hit the outlets for shopping. We headed back to Charleston that afternoon in the pouring rain.
It was such a good time and maybe will be a yearly tradition since we went last year too.