Thursday, October 15, 2015

Quality Time

As everyone knows every Wednesday night we get the kiddos for a few hours and we do our best to have some fun while they are around. Except this year they have homework so that unfortunately comes first boo haha Priorities!

 Dave took Logan to go get haircuts on the AFB and Alayna wanted to come with me to Target. I can't say I blame her plus she knows I will buy her something (hello dollar bin). When we got to the store she said can we check out the toys first, I asked her if she thinks I'm made of money and she very confidently said YES! Well I may have a little bit but I definitely don't have as much as she thinks I have. We did play some in the Halloween section as you can see above, she had me send all of the pictures to mommy lol lucky for her mommy and I are cool!
 We did end up with a few goodies for Halloween. She got a Tiara and blue glitter hair stuff for her Elsa costume, they both got pumpkin buckets for their Halloween and glow sticks which they ended up using last night.
Luckily when I told Dave I didn't want to cook he was completely cool with picking up dinner. The boys got home we all at, homework was done then we headed outside to PLAY. I think this is So important for kids... I used to play with my toys all the time and I was outside ALL the time and kids now are all about ipads, TV's, games etc.. Anytime we get them outside using their imagination and getting some energy out I consider it a win. Man I feel old with this last paragraph... In my day kids did this not that... WOW! haha

 We fed the ducks then they played tag and hide n go seek, daddy even joined while I sat my happy butt on the picnic table! haha never said I had to participate ;)
It was definitely a fun night with them and we really enjoyed getting to be outside and enjoy this awesome weather we have been having!

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