Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So Excited

Happy Hump day everyone!! The week is almost over thank God. literally!

Last night my mom and my aunt officially booked our flights for our Memorial day weekend trip. I have never been to DC so this will be a first. I wanted to go when my Aunt Christine lived there for I believe a year. But just never made it. So now I get to go with my mom, Aunt Susan and my Grammy.

We are flying in and then driving to see my Aunt Shirley who is my grandmothers sister. I haven't seen her since I was maybe 5 so that was almost 20 years ago give or a take a few. It is fun how you remember things but my last memory of her is when she came back to Charleston from Hawaii and brought me a ukulele and I was dancing in my grandmothers living room playing the darn thing.

Anywho we are then leaving her house and heading somewhere forgot where then heading to DC. I believe we are going to be in DC for 3 days? I could be wrong on this one. I seriously can't wait though.... tons of museums which honestly I heard are awesome. I am just wondering how I personally will like them. I am one of those people that walks around a museum and looks at everything but I am not one to sit there and read all of the things in front of them. I guess I deprive myself of the true experience.

I am excited to see everything including the 3 pictures below. I know there will be tons more to see! Prepare for TONS of pictures. I need to make sure I take my extra memory chip for my camera.

Other than that there is not much else going on. I have a weekend recap that I will probably work on later today. Probably tonight... there are so many pictures from this past weekend that It will take me a minute to do the post. I know I am lazy right? As if posting pictures on the blog is "hard". Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!


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