What are your pet peeves?
Oh geez this is something I could probably talk about ALL day! However, I will not do that! I will pick 2 or...3!
1. Listening to people eat. NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD for this girl!!! Crunching, smacking, licking fingers gah I can't stand it.... certain people I know drive me nuts with this so I try to get as far away as I possibly can when they eat. Or listen to my Ipod if I can get away with it without seeming like im rude.
2. SLOW DRIVERS! There are 3 lanes on the interstate... the far right is for the slow @$$ people... the middle lane is for the people who want to go the speed limit and that far left lane are for the people who want to HALL @$$. If you want to go 50 do not and I repeat DO NOT get in that left lane. I will curse you!
3. Obnoxious noises when I am trying to sleep... people stomping, dishes, dogs, tv's etc... most of the time at home on weekends I wear ear plugs just to keep my self as sane as possible. It helps! :)
Now that I seem like a crazy person... what are your pet peeves???